Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Death Cab for Cutie Tonight

Well, I strolled into the office this afternoon around lunch time for no good reason. Woke up around 9:30am, watched Blind Date, the Price is Right, an hour of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?", and then finally decided to shower up. Why is this possible? Because the one single pitch I'm on right now that was due on April 28 gets delayed. The client called us yesterday and lets us know they would be unavailable to meet, but would like to push the date back to May16th... meaning I have just gotten an additional two and a half weeks for a project that will likely take no more than a few days to crank out. Life is beautiful.

On a side note, after sending out the email yesterday afternoon announcing my foray into the blogging world, I received many, many emails. Most (actually all) ridiculed me, insulted me, and generally mocked my very existence. I did find this email to be one of the funnier ones (and admittedly quite accurate as well):
From: sonia []
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 1:51 PM
To: absolutnb
Subject: RE: New Blog Addy

dude, you really need a girlfriend, not a blog.

In any case, tonight should be a phenominal night. One of my favorite bands will be playing in Chicago: Death Cab for Cutie will be co-headlining with Franz Ferdinand. I already saw DCFC play in Chicago last October, but it was without a doubt one of the best concerts I've ever been to, so I decided to see them again. Although the group has already penetrated the mainstream, the venues they continue to play in remain extremely intimate, so you're able to get really up close with the group. We have a good group of fellow Death Cab fans going, and for those of you who haven't heard their music, I implore you to download their music... in fact, you can drop me an IM and I can send you some of their best tracks. We'll be pre-gaming at a dive bar near the Aragon Ballroom starting at 5pm, so if any locals are interested in joining, come on by. Tickets should be available from scalpers for face or below-face value around the place, so come by for some springtime music and beer.

Random comedy for of the day... I've sent this around in the past, but this shit is beyond hilarious. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog attacks pretty much everyone who is line for the premiere of Star Wars. I seriously haven't laughed this hard in a while. Also, this is a bit dated, but Cal fans pulled what has to be one of the funniest pranks on their opponents at a basketball game in a while. You can find the stories here and here.

Anyways, I'm done for today. I'll let you all know how the concert goes and how I fare tonight in week 11 of the 420poker league, which happens immediately after the DCFC concert.



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